Friday, August 28, 2009

The sun comes up each morning you know...

I was out with a friend yesterday for lunch and we had an interesting conversation about his vacation time. He was talking about how some people are so busy with their own lives that they don't even notice that the Sun came out this morning!

I thought that was an interesting perspective about how some times we are so self consumed that we don't even realise that we are alive, that we have a great life, family, our health etc. Most of us just ramble on trough life without giving it a second glance or even considering the time that is passing by.

Take advantage of your life and the time that is given to you. Answer this question: If you were on your death bed, you knew that you where going to die in the next 24 hours...How much would you pay for 1 more week with your family, 1 more week to enjoy what you love of life...? Well you have the luxury now, don't waste it...

Friday, July 31, 2009

What you do for a living...Does it really matter?

I was having a pretty deep discussion with a friend tonight. It revolved around what this person did for a living and what he thought other people thought of him. As I shared with him, it's not about what job/career anyone does, it's how well and how passionate they are about what they do.

Let's face it, we can't all be rocket scientists, doctors or lawyers. We need waiters, mechanics, garbage truck drivers etc...

I told him the story about the people that pick up my garbage every Friday morning. The old crew was never consistent on time, threw the garbage cans all over and paid no mind to the way they were doing their job. In comes a new crew...Always on time, courteous, waves to my son who is looking on in the window...Needless to say I gained a lot of respect for the crew...I did not judge them by their career path, but by how well they did their job and how they seemed to care about it.

Another example is where I eat frequently...This server is the bomb, I insist to sit in his section only. He loves what he does, has genuine conversation and shows care for his clients.

I could ramble on for hours about other examples, but you get the idea.

When I talk to my garbage guy or my server at Cora's, I see them as my equal, I see them as passionate individuals just like me who take their business seriously. I only hope they see themselves that way.

There is no shame in what you do...Do it with Gusto, do it with pride and do it to the best of your abilities. At the end of the day, a smart man once told me that it's none of my business what anyone else thinks about me... :)

Hope this helps you feel better about what you do and helps you be the best at what you do...


Thursday, July 30, 2009

The places where you find inspiration

Tonight my wife rented a movie that I had very little hope for "Madia goes to Jail" a Tyler Perry production. But being the sport I am, I watched it with her. Low and behold came a few quotes out of there that really resonated with me and actually helped me understand some built up frustration of my own.

Here are some of the quotes as best I heard them.

*When you don't forgive someone, you give them power over your life! They are sleeping at night and you are walking around and remembering everything they have done to you

*Forgiveness is not for the other person, it's for you! The longer you hold on to the pain, the past and the hurt, the longer you hold yourself from being free.

*No matter how good or bad the life you have been given is, it's up to you to make something of it!

After the movie was done, I came back to the section to write these quotes down as they really made me think. I hope they will make you think as well and help forgive anyone who was done you wrong in any way shape or form.